

Miyashita H, Svensson T, Nakamura M, Svensson AK. (Peer-reviewed)
The Association Between Hemoglobin Upswing in the Reference Range and Sleep Apnea Syndrome. Sleep and Vigilance. 2020;4(2):205-12. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s41782-020-00093-6

Miyashita H, Nakamura M, Svensson AK, Nakamura M, Tokuno S, Chung U-I, Svensson T. (Peer-reviewed)
Association Between Electroencephalogram-Derived Sleep Measures and the Change of Emotional Status Analyzed Using Voice Patterns: Observational Pilot Study. JMIR Form Res. 2020;4(6):e16880. DOI: 10.2196/16880

Aida A, Svensson T, Svensson AK, Urushiyama H, Okushin K, Oguri G, Kubota N, Koike K, Nangaku M, Kadowaki T, Yamauchi T, Chung U-I. (Peer-reviewed)
Using mHealth to Provide Mobile App Users With Visualization of Health Checkup Data and Educational Videos on Lifestyle-Related Diseases: Methodological Framework for Content Development. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2020;8(10):e20982. DOI: 10.2196/20982

Svensson T, Inoue M, Saito E, Sawada N, Hiroyasu I, Mizoue T, Goto A, Yamaji T, Shimazu T, Iwasaki M, and Tsugane S. (Peer-reviewed)
The association between habitual sleep duration and mortality according to sex and age: the Japan Public Health Center-based Prospective Study. J Epidemiol. 2020;advpub.

Hidaka A, Sawada N, Svensson T, Goto A, Yamaji T, Shimazu T, Iwasaki M, Inoue M, Tsugane S.(Peer-reviewed)
Family history of cancer and subsequent risk of cancer: A large-scale population-based prospective study in Japan. Int J Cancer 2020;147:331-7

Inomata T, Iwagami M, Nakamura M, Shiang T, Yoshimura Y, Fujimoto K, Okumura Y, Eguchi A, Iwata N, Miura M, Hori S, Hiratsuka Y, Uchino M, Tsubota K, Dana R, Murakami A: Characteristics and Risk Factors Associated With Diagnosed and Undiagnosed Symptomatic Dry Eye Using a Smartphone Application. JAMA Ophthalmol. 138(1):58-68, 2020, IF: 6.167/CI:1.

Inomata T, Nakamura M, Iwagami M, Midorikawa-Inomata A, Okumura Y, Fujimoto K, Iwata N, Eguchi A, Shokirova H, Miura M, Fujio K, Nagino K, Nojiri S, Murakami A: Comparing the Japanese Version of the Ocular Surface Disease Index and Dry Eye-Related Quality-of-Life Score for Dry Eye Symptom Assessment. Diagnostics (Basel) (IF: 5.25). 2020 Apr 7;10(4):203.

Inomata T, Iwagami M, Nakamura M, Shiang T, Fujimoto K, Okumura Y, Iwata N, Fujio K, Hiratsuka Y, Hori S, Tsubota K, Dana R, Murakami A: Association between dry eye and depressive symptoms: Large-scale crowdsourced research using the DryEyeRhythm iPhone application. Ocul Surf (IF: 12.336). 2020 Apr;18(2):312-319.

Inomata T, Nakamura M, Iwagami M, Midorikawa-Inomata A, Sung J, Fujimoto K, Okumura Y, Eguchi A, Iwata N, Miura M, Fujio K, Nagino K, Hori S, Tsubota K, Dana R, Murakami A: Stratification of Individual Symptoms of Contact Lens-Associated Dry Eye Using the iPhone App DryEyeRhythm: Crowdsourced Cross-Sectional Study. J Med Internet Res (IF: 5.034). 2020 Jun 26;22(6):e18996.

Inomata T, Sung J, Nakamura M, Fujisawa K, Muto K, Ebihara N, Iwagami M, Nakamura M, Fujio K, Okumura Y, Okano M, Murakami A: New medical big data for P4 medicine on allergic conjunctivitis. Allergol Int (IF: 4.806). 2020 Oct;69(4):510-518.

Inomata T, Kitazawa K, Kuno T, Sung J, Nakamura M, Iwagami M, Takagi H, Midorikawa-Inomata A, Zhu J, Fujimoto K, Okumura Y, Miura M, Fujio K, Hirosawa K, Akasaki Y, Kuwahara M, Dana R, Murakami A: Clinical and Prodromal Ocular Symptoms in Coronavirus Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci (IF: 3.47). 2020 Aug 3;61(10):29.

Inomata T, Sung J, Nakamura M, Iwagami M, Okumura Y, Iwata N, Midorikawa-Inomata A, Fujimoto K, Eguchi A, Nagino K, Fujio K, Miura M, Shokirova H, Murakami A: Using Medical Big Data to Develop Personalized Medicine for Dry Eye Disease. Cornea (IF: 2.215). 2020 Oct 13. Online ahead of print.

Hirosawa K, Inomata T, Sung J, Nakamura M, Okumura Y, Midorikawa-Inomata A, Miura M, Fujio K, Akasaki Y, Fujimoto K, Zhu J, Eguchi A, Nagino K, Kuwahara M, Shokirova H, Yanagawa A, Murakami A: Diagnostic ability of maximum blink interval together with Japanese version of Ocular Surface Disease Index score for dry eye disease. Sci Rep (IF: 3.998).

中村正裕 IoMTによるヘルスケア・アプリ研究
IoMT学会誌、メディカルレビュー社 2020年9月


Svensson T*, Chung U-i, Tokuno S, Nakamura M, Svensson AK*. (Peer-reviewed)
*Both authors contributed equally to the study.
A validation study of a consumer wearable sleep tracker compared to a portable EEG system in naturalistic conditions. J Psychosom Res. 2019;126:109822.

Midorikawa-Inomata A, Inomata T, Nojiri S, Nakamura M, Iwagami M, Fujimoto K, Okumura Y, Iwata N, Eguchi A, Hasegawa H, Kinouchi H, Murakami A, Kobayashi: Reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the Ocular Surface Disease Index for dry eye disease. BMJ Open. 9:e033940, 2019, IF: 2.376 /CI:0.

Tellhed U, Daukantaite D, Maddux R, Svensson T, Melander O. (Peer reviewed)
Yogic Breathing and Mindfulness as Stress Coping Mediate Positive Health Outcomes of Yoga. Mindfulness. 2019;10(12):2703-15.

Svensson T, Sawada N, Mimura M, Nozaki S, Shikimoto R, Tsugane S. (Peer-reviewed)
The association between midlife serum high-density lipoprotein and mild cognitive impairment and dementia after 19 years of follow-up. Translational psychiatry. 2019;9(1):26.

岸 暁子,アカデミア発の疾患発症予防分野でのICT化と開発背景、Journal of Internet of Things;2019;7月号 Vol1(2):24-28 (招待論文)

中村正裕 第2回 これからのIoMT動向,Precision Healthのゆくえ IoMT学会誌、メディカルレビュー社 2019年7月


Svensson AK*, Svensson T*, Kitlinski M, Almgren P, Engström G, Nilsson P, Melander O. (Peer-reviewed)
*Both authors contributed equally to the study.
Incident diabetes mellitus may explain the association between sleep duration and incident coronary heart disease. Diabetologia. 2018;61(2):331-41.

Hara K, Tomio J, Svensson T, Ohkuma R, Svensson AK, Yamazaki T.(Peer-reviewed)
Association measures of claims-based algorithms for common chronic conditions were assessed using regularly collected data in Japan. J Clin Epidemiol. 2018;99:84-95.

Svensson T*, Svensson AK*, Kitlinski M, Almgren P, Engström G, Nilsson J, Orho-Melander M, Nilsson P, Melander O. (Peer-reviewed) *Both authors contributed equally to the study.
Plasma concentration of Caspase-8 is associated with short sleep duration and the risk of incident diabetes mellitus. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2018;103(4):1592-1600.

Rand TA, Sutou K, Tanabe K, Jeong D, Nomura M, Kitaoka F, Tomoda E, Narita M, Nakamura M, Nakamura M, Watanabe A, Rulifson E, Yamanaka S, Takahashi K: MYC Releases Early Reprogrammed Human Cells from Proliferation Pause via Retinoblastoma Protein Inhibition. Cell Reports. 23:361-375, 2018, IF: 7.815/CI:2.

Inomata T, Nakamura M, Iwagami M, Shiang T, Yoshimura Y, Fujimoto K, Okumura Y, Eguchi A, Iwata N, Miura M, Hori S, Hiratsuka Y, Uchino M, Tsubota K, Dana R, Murakami A: Risk Factors for Severe Dry Eye Disease: Crowdsourced Research Using DryEyeRhythm. Ophthalmology. S0161-6420:33109-9, 2018, IF: 7.732/CI:2

Daukantaite D, Tellhed U, Maddux RE, Svensson T, Melander O. (Peer-reviewed)
Five-week yin yoga-based interventions decreased plasma adrenomedullin and increased psychological health in stressed adults: A randomized controlled trial. PLoS One. 2018;13(7):e0200518

Svensson T, Inoue M, Sawada N, Mimura M, Tsugane S. (Peer-reviewed letter)
High serum total cholesterol is associated with suicide mortality in Japanese women independently of menopause. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2018;137(1):80-1.

上田 哲也,小栗 岳, 岸 暁子,山崎 力、GCP・倫理指針そして臨床研究法のもとでの臨床研究実施のための体制整備、第I部 新薬創出を取り巻く環境変化、医薬ジャーナル 新薬展望2018;54 (S-1):15(415)~22(422) (招待論文)

坂中 千恵、石井 伸也、上田 恵子、亀山 祐美、岸 暁子、切原 賢治、鈴木 一詩、高田宗典、田中 基嗣、和田 千賀子、伊藤 誠、西村 優理子、ベポタスチンベシル塩酸OD錠10mg「日医工」の健康成人における生物学的同等性試験 診療と新薬 2018;55:91-98 医事出版社 

中村正裕「Precision Health (プレシジョン・ヘルス, 精密保健)の実現に向けて」
 IoMT学会誌、メディカルレビュー社 2018年5月